Graham French

About Origins

Seeking a break from the hectic world of advertising, Graham French took a year's sabbatical in 1989, traveling from Alaska to Mexico and turned his camera on a new subject-- the vast uninhabited vistas of the North American continent.

This trip had a profound impact on him. In the years since, Graham has continued to explore and photograph remote regions of the world to document the wide-open wilderness without the imprint of man.

In Africa, South America and Europe Graham saw land vulnerable to human destruction and exploitation. He saw the growth of cities and the insatiable demands of the tourist industry encroach on the dimishing wild. So what began as a very personal exploration and documentation of an individual's experience of the wilderness has evolved into a vital public record of a receding world.

In "Origins 1 and Origins 2" images shot across North and South America as well as Scotland and Ireland, Graham's photographs are timeless -- an eloquent record of our fragile world.